Friday, February 12, 2010

A Love Ritual

You can either live your life as though nothing is a miracle or as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein

Most of us spend our days waiting for a future that is not here yet. We hunger for the moment when all of our external desires will come to fruition so that our "perfect life" can begin. Day after day, we strive for more better and different, looking at what is lacking instead of what is working. We complain about the inconveniences of everyday life, whether it be our bodies, our bank accounts, our government, our families, our partners or lack of one, and on and on. Seeing through a distorted lens that says "It shouldn't be this way," we have forgotten that we are a bit blind, overcome by the trance of the modern age.

But this week myself, many of my coaches and other community members had the profound privilege to spend half an hour listening to a miracle , Dr. Edith Eva Eger, a Holocaust survivor and one of the courageous stars in The Shadow Effect movie. She literally lifted us out of the circumstances of our lives into the holy vibration where miracles exist. All she had to do was share the lens through which she views the world, not like some new age optimist but as a survivor of one of the worst atrocities that any human has endured. During that ordeal, Edie choose to stay focused on the miracle of each moment and to take control of the only thing that she had -- her mind.

Edie stood where most people have feared to go. More often than not, the fear that we have controls our minds. We fear that we will fail, that we will be wrong or that our dreams won't be a reality. And our fear wins out over the miracle of faith. We focus on our flaws, our weaknesses, and the one person who has broken our heart rather than forge tirelessly into the next moment with gusto and strength. We all have this capability -- we are born with it. We have the ability to fight and see through the broken illusions of the past. We all have the power to stand for the miracle of this moment, knowing that we are born again and again and again every time we do.

Edie has proven this to us. She is one of people I admire most in the world because despite the horrific violation of her youth, she believes in the miracle of her life. She heroically stands for freedom, for forgiveness, for taking all of what happens in life and making it something pure, beautiful and holy. She has gotten the greatest revenge on Hitler and that is by the success of her own life.

On this Valentine's Day weekend, give those around you the greatest piece of chocolate that they will ever taste --- a moment with you when you are living in the miracle. And most importantly, give yourselves the greatest Valentine that you could ever receive -- a moment when you see through the triumphant eyes of pure, unadulterated glory, when you see yourself and your life as it is right now, as the miracle that it is.

Your Valentine's Love Ritual

(1) Make a list of 100 miracles that you have experienced in the last 12 months. Remember, even your breath is a miracle.

(2) Read the list over and over again each day. It will lift you out of the pain of the past and into the glorious present that is now.

(3) If you're with a loved one, write down 20 things you love about them and read it to them.

(4) Have a weekend that rocks, whether you are alone or with someone you love! Celebrate the miracle that you are. Don't buy into any other voice. Just tap into Edie's consciousness and wrap yourself in the love that you deserve.

(5) Join our Love-A-Thon and see how one call can give the miracle of love.

With love and blessings,


Pass On the Miracle

Watch Edie's story and be inspired to live inside the miracle. Share the miracle with somebody you love today. Get the online movie for only $5.95 during our Valentine's sale.

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This Weekend, Join Us & Blast the Planet With Love

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