Thursday, August 27, 2009

Igniting Your Soul's Fire

Within you there exists a sacred flame that is the keeper of your vitality and the guardian of your soul's life force. This flame has magical powers that can lift you out of the most difficult times and into the soft loving arms of your holiest self. Your internal flame has the power to digest what is no longer needed and to ward off pathogens, whether in the mind, the body, or the spirit. 

A flame that is well nourished and thriving holds all the power of a sea of angels, lifting you above the seductive temptations of the past and securing you in the wisdom and guidance of your divine source. But, like any fire, your internal flame must be looked after and protected. To keep it burning brightly, you must honor and care for it, listen to it, tend to it, and nourish it. You are the keeper of your soul's flame, and it is your job to do whatever is necessary to protect it from weakening. Without this level of attention and awareness, you will more than likely continue to repeat the patterns of the past, recycle the same life-draining thoughts and behaviors, and ultimately accumulate more toxicity in your mind.

To clear your consciousness so that the light of a new day can arise, you must become keenly present to the condition of your internal world and the strength of the fire within your soul. 

Your Weekly Nourshment 

(1) Write down seven choices you can make this week to strengthen your internal flame. 

(2) What are you willing to give up this week to ensure that you are strong and liberated by the end of this week? 

(3) What sweet blessings could you whisper to yourself each night to ignite the fire in your soul? 

With love and respect,

Debbie Ford

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are You Listening?

What will it take to make you listen to the voice of your own soul? To make you tune into your wants and needs? How many sleepless nights must you stay awake to unfold the great mystery from within?

There is a small whisper of a voice that is wanting and needing to be listened to. There is a voice of love and compassion that wants to sing out loud ~ without suppression. It is time for the voice to be heard, to be listened to, to be honored and acknowledged as the voice of your own soul. Now is the time that you must stop tricking yourself into believing that you are the one in total control of your life when, in reality, there is a wounded and hurt part of you that is screaming to be let out, that is tired of you marching to the same drummer. Maybe you're aware of this small voice that shouts out in anger as it can no longer tolerate living a life of business as usual.

So stop it. Stop it now. Don't head to the same old nonsense. Try being sick of it because, believe me, that part of you is probably sick of you and some of the repetitive lies and stories that you continue to swim in each day. You might ask, How do I swim in them each day? You wake up and say "I am not going to eat so much, spend so much, procrastinate so much, or tolerate the suppression." You must allow your soul and the highest aspect of yourself to take control of your life. Tough love is what we're calling on here. When you are tempted to follow the path of your wounded self, you must say, "Stop it! I can't listen to your nonsense one more day." Remember, you're the parent now.

Now is the time to get out of the pool of the past. Now is the time for change, to wake up and smell the rose scent of a greater reality. Now is the time to give yourself permission to decipher the language of your higher calling. You are loved, you are cared for, you are important and you have a special purpose here on earth. Now is the time to confront the shadows that keep you behind the prison walls. Set yourself free. You have the key. Now open the door. 

Your Weekly Shadow Work

(1) Make a list of all the places you're tolerating mediocrity and can't take it anymore.

(2) Spend five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening calling forth and listening to the voice of your own soul.

(3) Study, train, read, watch The Shadow Effect :-) and be open to thoughts and ideas that you've never had before. Trust your instincts, take a risk and make high choices. 

With love and blessings,

Debbie Ford

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Messenger of Love

After a divine and holy week of floating on the big, beautiful, never-ending sea, I closed my eyes and got a message to make the last day of my life-changing journey home the most important 24 hours of my year. At first, I argued internally with myself, "Why do I have such thoughts? I've opened up enough. There's no way to top eight days in Turkey with my friends and the last seven days with members of my beloved community!" But still, as I walked through the Barcelona airport, I allowed myself to dwell on the seeming enormity of the task that my soul was asking me to take on. I began thinking about my forthcoming book The 21 Day Consciounsess Cleanse and realized, of course, that I could make this day of travel deep, meaningful and soul-inspired -- what better to do with my time? 

So I closed my eyes again and asked what the 18th day of the Consciousness Cleanse would request of me. The answer was simple. Be a messenger of love. As I walk through the airport and pass hundreds of people, be the love they are yearning for. Allow the love in my heart to shine through every cell of my being and transfer a bit of love to everyone who I could connect with. Even though I desperately wanted to stay inside the cocoon of my own inner world, today I would let go of who I usually am while I'm traveling and instead be a loving expression of divine love. 

I began by smiling and blessing the TSA representatives at the security checkpoint (none of them smiled back). I sent love to the flight attendants and looked into the eyes of the people who passed by my seat with warmth and love. Instead of listening to any judgments from my smaller self, I stepped into the heart of divine love. 

Although my warmth and smiling eyes might have touched someone else's heart that day, what it did for me is more than I could share right now. On that 23-hour day of travel, I experienced a day of deep healing, enormous gratitude, and a new level of peace. 

Your Weekly Shadow Work 

Make today the most loving day of your year. It doesn't matter that it's not a special day. Even if you're with people that you don't know or don't like, you are a messenger of divine love. Let it rock your world. 

With love and blessings,

Debbie Ford