Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finding Your Yellow Brick Road

I hope this finds your heart happy and your life plentiful.

In times of tumultuous change and emotional upheaval, all of us dive into the place of uncertainty, not knowing where we are going to land or what our future reality will be. We look for certainty but in the midst of heartbreaking conditions like a breakup, a divorce or even the loss of a career, we don't know where we'll end up by the time the storm blows over. Like the scene in The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy emerges from her house after the tornado, we might be asking, "Where am I?" And in the darkness of our smallest thoughts, we hear, " Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore." Shocked and feeling alone, we go on endless tailspins which keep leaving us with the same sad feelings. Dramatic change leaves us searching for solid ground and when we can't find any, the only option is to step into the sacred foundation of the Law of Acceptance.

In my book Spiritual Divorce, the first Spiritual Law of divorce and healing - The Law of Acceptance - states that everything is as it should be. Nothing occurs by accident and there are no coincidences. Breathe that in and read it over again. Everything is as it should be. Nothing occurs by accident and there are no coincidences. It goes on to say that we are always evolving whether we are aware of it or not and our lives are divinely designed for each one of us to get exactly what we need to support our own unique evolutionary process (even when we can't see it). I can promise you that this is a fact.

After years of coaching thousands of people to find the gift in their "negative" experiences, what continues to be the highest truth is this: our deepest pain leads us to our greatest purpose. When we embrace the Law of Acceptance, we open our eyes to new opportunities and new perspectives. Knowing that everything is as it should be makes the path in front of us much easier to recognize. When we are willing to get the support we need, give up the self we know, and reinvent ourselves in order to step into the next highest evolution of our soul's journey, we can, like Dorothy, have faith and follow the yellow brick road. Even though we are not in Kansas anymore we will arrive at the perfect place for our next great adventure to unfold where we will find more love, more success and more happiness than we ever imagined possible.

With love and blessings,

Debbie Ford

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